Navigating Life and Work After a Partner's Death: A Journey of Healing and Self-Care

Returning to work and daily life after the death of a partner is a journey marked by waves of emotion and moments of both challenge and growth. Today, we delve into this delicate topic, offering guidance and self-care tips to help you navigate this path with compassion and resilience.


1. Acknowledge Your New Reality

The first step is acknowledging the profound change in your life. It sucks bigtime, but it has happened. It's normal to feel a range of emotions, from sadness and anger to relief or guilt. These feelings don't follow a linear path and can surface unexpectedly. Give yourself permission to feel and accept these emotions as part of your healing process.


2. Ease Back into Work

When you're ready to return to work, consider a phased approach. Talk to your employer about a gradual return, starting with part-time hours or flexible work or work-from-home arrangements. This can help you adjust to your new routine while managing your emotional and physical well-being.  And also - we know that some employers only offer 3 days bereavement leave.  We know this is ridiculous, but it may be what you have to work with.  Know that 3 days of grief time is not fair or realistic, but sometimes it is the reality.


3. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is crucial. You might not be ready to talk about your partner’s death or might need to step away from work if you're feeling overwhelmed. Or you might want to talk openly about it. Communicate your needs with your colleagues and superiors. Remember, it's okay to say "I'm not ready to discuss this" or "I need some time for myself."  And, it’s also ok to say your partner’s name and share something about them to others.


4. Create a Support Network

Lean on your support network of friends, family, or colleagues. Consider joining a group of likeminded women where you can connect with others who have experienced similar grief journeys. Sharing your feelings and experiences can be incredibly helpful as you’re settling into your life again.


5. Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care is vital during this time. This includes eating nutritious meals, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and engaging in physical activity. Remember, self-care also means taking time to do things that bring you joy and peace, whether it's reading a book, taking a walk in nature, slowly sipping a cup of coffee, or practicing meditation. We’ve created a free, self-care tip guide for you, just at this time.


6. Honor Your Partner's Memory

Find ways to honor your partner's memory that feel right for you. This could be through a personal ritual, a memorial, or participating in activities they loved. Honoring their memory can be a source of comfort and strength.


7. Be Patient with Yourself

Finally, be patient with yourself! Healing doesn't happen overnight or even on a linear timeline. Allow yourself the time and space to grieve and heal at your own pace.


Returning to work and daily life after the sudden death of your partner is a deeply personal and unique experience. Remember, there's no right or wrong way to navigate this journey. Be kind to yourself, seek support, and take it one day at a time.


If you or someone you know is going through this, remember, you're not alone. At lovelew, we are here to support you on this journey of healing and rediscovery.


Breaking the Silence: Navigating the Stigma of Being Suddenly Alone


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